

So far, summer has pretty much rocked. And its not even summer yet(at least, not until tomorrow) I pretty much love my life, and everyone in it. I tried on my bridesmaid's dress today, and it is b-e-a-utiful! Rachel and Joe are one cute couple:) Soon to be married!!

When your summer starts out in Park City with people that can make you laugh so hard you'll get a six pack in ten minutes, you know the summer is gonna be amazing:) It ends with my Boe gettin' hitched:) All the time in between is literally gonna be fan-flippin-tastic!

Cheer has started off great! The girls there already feel like sisters to me, and max is my brother:) When I see them outside of cheer, they're always way nice to me, and I love it! I feel better going to school next year with an already amazing bond between 20 other girls and 1 boy:)

Being mia-maids president, I love randomly calling the girls to ask them how their life is going. I feel like I'm a part of their life as they tell me their amazing adventures:)

Another thing I'm pumped for is laying in my front yard everyday, and just enjoying being alive:) I did that tonight, and I watched the sun set. Let me tell ya, it looked amazing tonight!! More gorgeous than any other night to me. It looked even cooler in between my backyard trees, Where the color shines through the cracks.

The last thing I have to say is that one of my close close friends is getting her tonsils out on Thursday, and I feel way bad for her. That's not my choice way to start off the summer. Ah well, I wish her the best of luck!

And now, I have a date with a little girl and her favorite show: Wall.E

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