
The Friendlies

When it comes to friends, its really hard to find the true ones in your life. Today, I had a great talk with three girls I don't usually talk to, even though they're always there. I KNOW that they are my true friends.
Then two other girls have always been there, which I appreciate like no other.
Next is the ones who say they're your best friend, but then you don't hear from them for 2 or 3 days. Everytime you're with them though, its completely normal and nice.
Their is also the ones that say you're friends, then secretly stabs you in the back, which gets really annoying.
Last their is the ones that say your friends, tell each other you'll hang out, but you never do. And that's the end of that. It's very easy to come by those ones.
That's pretty much my friend scene right now.

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