
california girls

today started off really badly. i went to o.zone fit, and the workout was torture. ahh! after that i got in a fight with my friend, and my mom made me go to her house and make it better. i was there for three hours, and it was very awkward. after, i pretty much sat on my bum shoving food into my mouth. around seven, i got a call from sar! so she came over. and we sat on our bums together. eventually i told her about my dream i had of taping balloons to the ceiling and trying to pop them with toothpicks. we thought about it, and decided we just HAD to make my dream reality! so we go and ask my mommy for balloons, and we had some!! praty! but, once we blew them all up, their were only eleven. definitely not enough to put on the ceiling right? so we had to think of another way to pop all eleven!! while we were taking them downstairs, one popped. already!! so early in the night. poor balloon. oh well, we still had ten more!! we started out by playing baseball with one of them. it was great fun watching maggie try to hit the balloon, and run to the right base before we caught her!! hehe, oh maggie. then i remembered i had a bag of pixy sticks!! yay for sugar!! haha then after that, sar came up with the great idea of taping them to our jean belt loops, just over our bums, and trying to pop each others with a toothpick, while our insane song california girls was on!! like it? its called maggie ball!! we did about three rounds of that when shelly's friends came in with awed looks on their faces. i offered each of them a pixy stick. about half said no. why refuse pure sugar?? crazies. one of her friends was telling me about how if you put pixy stick dust in a cup then pour sprite into it, and chug it down really fast, you get a bubbly feeling in your tummy. its called a wild indian. so naturally i had to try it. greatest experience ever. and on tape!! haha i couldn't stop laughing after that! so, to sum up my day, it was a perfect ending to a not so perfect day. and that is my story of the day. hope you enjoy how weird i am. :)

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