
day four: something you have to forgive someone for.

probably the biggest thing i need to forgive someone for is any high school girl, pretending she cares about what's going on in my life. she pretty much just wants to hear the dirt. which is why i don't know many people. lately this has been my conversation with those kind of girls:

her: "hey girl! how's it going with you and kaleb? are you like, still together?"
me: "oh, ya know..."
her: "haha yeah..."
me: "pretty much."
her: "ok i gotta go now, see ya around chica!"
me: "mmkay."

except i sound much happier in real life, and after they just give me weird looks. don't get me wrong though, i love the ones who genuinely care about my life, but the ones who just wanna hear how far i've gone with kaleb or whatever, so that they can tell others all about it, those are the ones i can't stand. the fake ones. the ones who get by, by bringing others down. anyways, thats my little rant for the day. love you all!


Sue said...

I hate to say it Morga, but that's not just high school. That's life. But when you find those friends who love you no matter what, who are genuinely interested in you and who you can always be yourself around it's worth sifting through all the crappy friends!

morgaleigh said...

well i'm not out of high school yet, so i wouldn't have known that.. but thanks for the info! :)