
One way, One fate, One hero.

I'm kind of a huge Harry Potter nerd. So naturally, when I went to see eclipse, the preview of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was the most exciting part of the night.
I'm so excited to see that movie, both parts. It will blow my mind. I really hope they did the book justice, because so far the other movies haven't. Ah well, I get excited over them anyway.
I've read the Harry Potter series countless times. I recently started re-reading them again(by recent, I mean last Saturday), and I am currently almost finished with the Sixth book. I'm a nerd, I know.
I feel like I've grown up with them, because of how much I love them. Now that they're all grown up, they all look so mature and stunning. I really love this picture of them:

Which reminds me, the next time I go to Florida(which WILL be soon, or else I'll go crazy), their will be nothing stopping me from going to Universal Orlando's Harry Potter Land. It will be epic. I already own the time turner, and the Gryffindor Crest on a necklace.
I also absolutely love Emma Watson. She is my idol. I mean, her style is so fabulous, I just am in love with it. A while ago she was in Teen Vogue, and her photo shoot from it was amazing. I pretty much stare at the photos all the time. The are fabulous. Don't believe me? see for yourself:

And my personal favorite:

Doesn't that skirt look stunning on her? I envy her beauty. She amazes me everytime I see these photos, which is often. I've also heard magazines call her and her co-stars fashion icons. Who would have thought that that these kids:

Would turn into these kids:

I'm kind of addicted to everything Harry Potter, in case you couldn't tell.

1 comment:

Maryn said...

Couldn't be more right about Emma Watson! I've always loved that photo shoot too.