
Forgetful Morgan

Being the smart person I am, I forgot I had a blog. I know. I'm kinda very very forgetful. But I got a nifty little laptop for Christmas, so I'm gonna start on again. Hopefully I don't forget. Again.

Lately, I've had a lot going on in my life, such as doing an honors service project, going to all our school games, playing with my friends, and getting my Young Women's Medallion! My life is crazy, but I love every minute of it :)

I am obbsessed with Guam. I really am. The other day, I met a guy that is actually FROM GUAM!! He's in my english class, and he's very funny! The other day, he told me he didn't think Guam was as cool as I thought it was. Psh!! I totally is!! I mean, how can it NOT be as cool as I think it is?? I know what you're thinking. I'm crasy. Ha ha :) Just had to through that Abby-gail word in there.
In case you don't know, this is Abby-gail. She is one of my bestest friends. I love her. End of story.


sister moon said...

ah, morgs. i lovest you:) so much! YOU CRASY!

Gwen said...

You finally posted! Yay!

Maren said...

Ummm... Morgan where is the picture of us?? I feel like i need a blog post dedicated to me.. .that would be wonderful! :) I love you!