
bad accents make great conversation starters

my tea party was a success. i spent all morning creating my own finger foods with aaron and shelly. i was also tired, which meant a few very.. creative ones. we had two rules:
1. you had to talk in an english accent.
2. you had to keep your pinky up while drinking your tea.
it made me really happy that everyone played along and had a good time.


day thirty: a letter to yourself. write everything you love about yourself.

dear morgan,

i like how committed i am to anything and everything. i love how i can always find a way to end up happy. i love how easy it is for others to make me happy. i love being happy, in general. i love being me.

love, morgan


day twenty-nine: soemthing you hope to change about yourself and why.

i'd really like to change my perspective on life. i'm always thinking, "i can't do this" or "this isn't fun." i really want to start thinking "i can totally do this" and "i don't care if others think this is lame, i'm gonna make it fun." i also wanna stop caring what others think of me, cause it just holds me back. i still care what my loved ones think of me though, if that makes any sense.


day twenty-eight: if you were prgnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do.

like sue put so simply, i would have a baby. and i would definitely would stay with my mommy, cause she is so good with kids.


day twenty-seven: what's the best thing going for you right now?

the best thing going for me right now is being so physically fit. it makes me feel very good. if only i could always feel this way. hmph.


day twenty six: have you ever thought about giving up on life?

I can honestly say I have never thought about giving up on life. I have said things like, "I just wanna sleep 'till the end of the world," or "why can't everything just go away?" that's all i ever thought about in that way.


day twenty five: the reason you believe you're still alive today.

i believe that i am still alive, because i take care of myself, as do those who love me. the people i love help me stay alive too.

day twenty-four: make a playlist to someone and explain why you chose all those songs.

Skyway Avenue- We the Kings
I Giorni- Ludovico Einaudi
Perfect Two- Auburn
Heaven Can Wait- We the Kings
Catch Me- Demi Lovato
You and I- Tyler Brown Williams
We'll Be a Dream- We the Kings
Love Like Woe- the Ready Set

I chose all these songs for specific reasons. You probably remember them all. To me, they mark certain nights that were very fun or hard. I hope you remember them.


day twenty three: something you wish you had done in your life.

well, i'm pretty sure i am nowhere near the end of my life, so i'm not exactly sure how to answer this one. i think this is what i have my live list for. so to answer this one, refer to my [live] list.


pretty much.

in case you all were wondering, the bountiful cheerleaders went to a competition today, and after four hours of miserably waiting, we got first place in our division. that's right, we kick butt.

day twenty two: something you wish you hadn't done in your life.

well. i wish i hadn't gotten addicted to sugar, cause now its hard to stop eating it. all the time.


day twenty one: (scenario) your best friend is in a car accident and you two got in a fight an hour before. what do you do?

well, i would run in there and take care of her. probably crying and telling her i'm sorry and that she better not die cause if she does then i'll have nothing to do on the weekends. yep, thats about what i'd say.


day twenty: your views on drugs and alcohol.

drugs aren't good to play with, neither is alcohol. medicine drugs are helpful, except when abused... i guess everyone chooses what they want, but i don't get why they choose drugs and alcohol. that is all.


day nineteen: what do you think of religion? or politics?

i think every has a right to choose their religion.

as for the second one, i know enough about politics to just stay out of it.


day eighteen: your views on gay marriage.

well, i know if i write something on this, most people will tell me i'm too young to know anything about it, making me feel really bad about myself. so if you disagree, don't put me down like i don't know anything.

i believe that love is between a man and a woman. i believe that everyone has a soul mate of the opposite gender, but not everyone finds theirs in this life. i think that that's why people become gay, is because they have given up searching for their true love. my views may change throughout my life, but this is how they currently are.


day seventeen: a book you've read that changed your views on something.

sue already posted mine, so i'll choose my second one. i'd have to say Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. the book is about a girl that goes to high school, and one day a guy from her childhood shows up and turns her life around. it showed me that no matter how hard you try to be someone else, you will always find a way to be yourself. i really liked this book, and i would definitely recommend it to anyone.


hot chocolate and snow days.

me and shelly made christmas countdowns. they turned out great. it was amazingly funny putting them together. and finding stuff for them at the craft store. i love her.

me and shelly:)
finished project:)
i kinda love my live list.

potato, tomato.

for my birthday, i didn't make an epic birthday cake. but i did make a spongebob gingerbread house. so i'm counting it. maybe i'll do the cake for someone else's birthday. yeah, i'll do that.

happy birthday to me.

day sixteen: someone or something you cold definitely live without.

i could definitely live without the freezing temperatures in utah. i could definitely live without gym class. i cloud definitely live without tests and homework. and i could definitely, without a doubt, live without tomatoes.


day fifteen: something or someone you couldn't live without, because you've tried living without it.

probably couldn't live without my three best friends. they're the reason i go to school, they're all so funny, and they know everything about me, and still choose to play with me:) i'm really thankful for them, and everything they do for me. i haven't tried living without them yet, but i know it would be close to impossible for me.


day fourteen: a hero that has let you down. (write a letter)

umm... none of my heroes have let me down. this one's kind of a downer. why would i write a letter to a hero that let me down? they wouldn't really be my hero anymore.. hmm... oh well.


day thirteen: a band or artist that has gotten you through some tough days. (write a letter)

dear we the kings,

your music amazes me. i am always in the mood to hear any song of yours. my absolute favorite album of yours is entitled "smile, kid". you guys are amazing with music, and i just want you to know that i adore you guys. thanks for everything.

love with all my heart, morgan


day twelve: something you never get compliments on

that would be my arms. they are weakish. that is all.